
İmportant Stuff

Cushions,magazine racks,baskets these aren't simply trvial matters.That's why they are all made by important stuff.Everyday essentials from Nepal.

Espadrilles Wmns

Yes ! ''Animas Code'' The only acceptable summer shoes .All of them so cool isn't ?

Oscar Cat

Firstly, this is an old news.This is Oscar.A few years ago Oscar was run over by a combine harvester and his back legs were damaged beyond repair.After some discussion,he was the recipient of a groundbreaking surgery in which prosthetic legs were grafted directly onto his ankle bones,called an 'exoprosthesis'.This first of its kind operation allows Oscar to walk normally.

The operation was a huge success and it's now being considered for use in human  amputees.


Everything a cat is and does physically is to me beautiful,lovely,stimulating,soothing,attractive and an enchantment. Paul Gallico, from ''An Honourable Cat''

New Life

Ending something whether a dream,a goal,a friendship,a relationship or a tie with someone is always hard,always sad.There is a lingering regret of what went wrong and questions that will never be answered.But i came to realize that as a page of my life ends with them.somewhre,somehow, a new chapter is waiting to start.


Friendship is a priceless gift,that cannot be bought or sold,but it is value is far greater  than a mountain made of gold.For gold is cold and lifeless it can neither see nor hear.And in time of trouble it is powerless to cheer.It has no ears to listen,no hear to understand , it cannot bring you comfort or reach out a helping hand.So when you ask God for a gift be thankful if he sends,not diamonds,pearls or riches but the love of real true friends.Thank you my friends for being in my life :)